Monday 24 March 2014

Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon Visits East Kilbride

Last week, Scotland's Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon visited East Kilbride.

After visiting the construction site of the new Hunter Health Centre, Ms Sturgeon arrived at the Village Centre to talk about independence.

A packed hall waits for the DFM
In front of a packed hall, Ms Sturgeon highlighted that the referendum is our chance to put Scotland's future in Scotland's hands. She continued to say that, from 7am-10pm on the 18th of September, Scots will have complete sovereignty; it is up to us whether we keep this control over our own affairs or hand it back to politicians in London.

Nicola Sturgeon highlighted the "Can", "Should" and "Must" of independence.

Meanwhile, plenty of Yes activists were on hand outside to answer questions on the Yes campaign

We can be independent. Recent GERS figures show that Scotland had a relative surplus of over £8 billion over the last 5 years compared to the UK.
We should be independent so that Scotland's future is in Scotland's hands, and so that we can choose to rid our country of nuclear weapons and ensure a public health service for all.
We must be independent so that we avoid the destructive policies of Westminster, such as the bedroom tax and illegal wars. Many times, our lives are governed by parties that Scots rejected at the ballot box.

The DFM engages the audience with her vision for an independent Scotland

The DFM engaged the audience as she highlighted the positive changes that could be made to Scotland if we have a democratic political system and the ability to use Scotland's resources to improve Scotland for us all.

The Scottish Parliament, under successive Scottish Governments, has shown that it is able to take big decisions - and these turn out to work better for Scotland than any Westminster policies.

The Scottish Parliament has introduced free prescriptions for all, free university tuition for our young people and secured a publicly-run health service. The current government has also frozen the council tax and greatly increased the number of modern apprenticeships in Scotland.

Over the coming months, it is for all Yes activists to highlight the "Can. Should. Must." aspects of independence in order to build a fairer, more democratic and more prosperous Scotland.

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