Tuesday 8 July 2014

Independence is about more than the SNP

The referendum on whether Scotland should be an independent country is a completely different matter from which political party, if any, you usually support.

On 18th September we vote Yes or No to Scotland becoming an independent country with the power to make its own decisions.

Then in May 2016, just six weeks after Independence Day, we'll choose our first independent Scottish government - which could be Labour or SNP, Greens or LibDem, SSP or Tory, or a new party formed in the aftermath of a Yes vote.

Supporters of Yes (just like supporters of the No campaign) have a range of different views.

What unites them is a unifying belief in the need for Scotland to take control of its own affairs.

If Scotland votes to become independent in 2014, new policies or changes to current policies will be decided by whichever party wins the Scottish General Election in 2016 or the next Scottish General Election or the next.....

With independence, never again will Scotland have to wait a generation to see the party it backed overwhelmingly in election after election get the chance to take power.

With independence, never again will Scottish politicians be allowed to put the interests of Scotland second in order to win power.

A Yes vote is not a vote for the current government or its policies.  It is simply a vote to put Scotland’s future in Scotland's hands.

By taking responsibility for our own future we have the potential to make our undoubted wealth and resources deliver much more for our people – regardless of your view on which political party would be best able to deliver that.

On Monday 14th July, Yes East Kilbride continues its programme of public meetings with three speakers who demonstrate that support for independence goes far beyond the ranks of the SNP.

Jeane Freeman and Tommy Sheppard come from a Labour background, while Andy Myles has long association with the Scottish Liberal Democrats. Come along and hear for yourself why independence is about more than the SNP.

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