Monday 14 April 2014

Socialist Case for Yes Heard in East Kilbride

Yes East Kilbride hosted a packed public meeting on Friday 11th April, with speakers explaining the socialist and trade union case for an independent Scotland.

Chaired by Yes East Kilbride's Paul McCartney, the audience heard from John Davidson; Vice-President of East Kilbride PCS Branch, Frances Curran; former SSP MSP, and Elaine C. Smith; actress, entertainer, and Convenor of the Scottish Independence Convention.

Over 100 people attended the event.

Elaine C. Smith took the opportunity to pay tribute to Margo MacDonald

Elaine said:

"Margo's dedication is recognised as having made a major contribution to getting us to where we are today."

"Her presence in the campaign will be sadly missed, but we owe it to her to redouble our efforts and complete a journey in which she played such a large part."

Frances Curran and Elaine C Smith

Chair of Yes East Kilbride, Paul McCartney said:

“It was great to host such a well-attended event, with many new faces eager to find out more information in the run up to the referendum.

“All speakers made fantastic points, and it was clear the audience enjoyed the event. There were engaging questions and lively debate, which was exactly what we wanted.

“The point was well made that we don't want the absurdity of nuclear weapons, food banks, or a repeat of the Iraq war.

"On 18th September, for the first time in our history, the people of Scotland will be truly sovereign and can decide who is best placed to make the decisions that affect their community.

“As the polls narrow, and as momentum grows towards a Yes vote, there is all to play for.

"We will continue to put our positive message to East Kilbride at similar events over the coming months."

Notes: photos by Craig Maclean

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