Wednesday 14 May 2014

Scotland has got what it takes

The following post is based on the article 10 key economic facts that prove Scotland will be a wealthy independent nation. You can read the full article here.

All the evidence demonstrates that Scotland is a wealthy nation. Scotland would be the 14th wealthiest nation in the developed world by GDP per head of population. Scotland’s wealth is also built on solid financial foundations, a diverse economy and substantial economic potential in new industries such as biotechnology and renewables, as well as current key sectors like food and drink, tourism and oil and gas

Voting for independence – to have control over taxation, regulation and global promotion – will give the Scottish government the tools to create greater opportunities for growth and a better business climate for Scottish business. In short, a Yes vote will improve Scotland’s economy. This will make people in Scotland financially better off.

1) Scotland has a rich and diverse economy

2) Scotland is a net contributor to the UK

3) Scotland generates far more tax than the UK average

4) Westminster has cost Scotland £64 billion in the past 30 years

5) Scotland has a lower deficit and lower public spending than the UK

6) Scotland has strong exports

7) Scotland’s oil fields remain a massive financial asset

8) Scotland has huge potential in renewable energy

9) Scotland is one of the top UK locations for inward investment

10) An independent Scotland can support Scottish business in tax, regulation, the labour market, innovation and global exports


There is overwhelming evidence that Scotland will be economically better off as an independent country. Even opponents of independence have conceded that Scotland can be a successful independent country.  Their own negative economic forecast estimated that Scots would be just £1 worse off a year.

In contrast every single Government Expenditure and Revenue report for the last 30 years – compiled with official statistics – finds that Scotland generated more tax per head than the UK.

If voters are convinced that Scotland will do better economically a majority support independence. Yet astonishingly around 34% of the electorate currently believe that Scotland would fare worse economically as an independent country; while 37% believe Scotland is incapable of independence. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest this. Not a single economic expert supports such a doom laden proposition.

This demonstrates that truthful economic information like the facts contained in this article will change the result of the independence referendum.

With the knowledge that Scotland will benefit economically from independence, business and citizens will move towards voting Yes as it is the only way to ensure progress for themselves, their businesses and their communities.

Scotland will vote for independence because the economic case for independence is unanswerable.

Original article Michael Gray for Business for Scotland

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