Tuesday 13 May 2014

The business case for independence comes to East Kilbride

Ivan McKee
Leading pro-Business Yes campaigner, Ivan McKee of Business for Scotland, is coming to East Kilbride to set out the business case for a Yes vote in the Independence Referendum.

Ivan worked in manufacturing for thirty years, mostly for large companies. Eight years ago he launched his own manufacturing consultancy and turnaround company.

He has worked in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe, and currently has manufacturing businesses in Scotland, England, and Eastern Europe.

Business for Scotland hit the headlines recently when its challenge to the anti-independence stance of the Confederation of British Industry led that organisation to register as a pro-union campaigning organisation, and then, after much confusion, to deregister.

Yes East Kilbride is holding a series of meetings that will allow voters to hear the facts about Scotland’s potential as an independent country, and the implications for them. These meetings, and key information about the issues discussed, will be reported in this blog.

The Business for Scotland meeting with Mr McKee takes place in the Bruce Hotel, at 7pm, on Tuesday 27th May.

Ivan Mc Kee said

“All the data shows clearly that Scotland contributes significantly more to the UK than it takes out.”

“Scotland’s natural resources put us in a much better position to weather future economic storms than being tied to a UK economy which is too heavily dependent on casino-style financial services.

“After Independence, Scotland would continue to enjoy close trading relationships with the rest of the UK, as well as with other countries in Europe.”

Paul Mc Cartney, Convenor of Yes East Kilbride, said:

“We can all see the damage done to the East Kilbride economy by Westminster’s focus on London-based financial services.

“Only a Yes vote on 18th September will give businesses in Scotland the opportunity and the support to use Scotland’s resources to build a fairer and more sustainable economy for the 21st century and beyond.

“We look forward to welcoming representatives of East Kilbride’s business community to the Bruce Hotel to hear the business case for a Yes vote.”

Further reading.

Scotland's Future, Chapter 3 - Finance and the Economy - Scottish Government

Scotland's Future, Chapter 8 - Environment, Rural Scotland, Energy and Resources - Scottish Government

UK economic recovery on shaky ground - The Guardian

No campaign EU membership myth falls apart - Business for Scotland

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