Thursday 19 June 2014

A lot more 'left' to be said

With polls of voting intentions in the independence referendum showing Yes and No neck and neck, Yes East Kilbride has announced two meetings to let Labour voters who are still undecided find out what a Yes vote would mean to them.

On 27 June, a meeting entitled ‘The progressive case for Yes’ will be held at the Murray Owen Centre from 7.30pm. Speakers include Carol Fox of Women for Independence, a former Labour parliamentary candidate. Carol will be joined by her brother, Colin, co-spokesperson of the Scottish Socialist Party and a former MSP.

Pat Kane; musician, writer, activist and former rector of Glasgow University will argue that independence offers the chance to make Scotland a more equal society.

The second event ‘Can you be Labour and Yes?’ will be held on 2 July at Greenhills Community Hall.

This event will feature Jim Sillars; former Labour MP and SNP Deputy Leader, who recently withdrew from a meeting in the town due to the death of his wife, Margo MacDonald MSP, who had close connections with the town.

Joining Jim on the panel will be Allan Grogan, founder of Labour for Independence, and Sandra Webster of Women for Independence, who will argue that only a Yes vote gives Scotland the power to build a fairer, as well as a more prosperous society.

Commenting, Chair of Yes East Kilbride Paul McCartney said:

"We have some fantastic events over the next few weeks, and we encourage all undecided voters, especially those who traditionally back the Labour Party, to come out and hear the progressive case for Yes.

"At our stalls and on the doorsteps, we find more and more people moving to Yes, especially among traditional Labour voters who are unconvinced of the case for No.

“The last Better Together event in East Kilbride featured a Tory Cabinet Minister and was moved at the last minute to avoid facing the people of the town. By contrast, Yes East Kilbride events are open and welcoming.

"Panicked by the growing support for a Yes vote, the three pro-UK parties are now offering more powers to the Scottish Parliament, if there is a No vote. The fact is that only a Yes vote lets us harness Scotland’s enormous wealth to deliver a fairer society. It is an opportunity we must take with both hands.”

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