Friday 13 June 2014

Trolling, Trolling, Trolling – with Ms JK Rowling….

Drew Campbell was a founding member of Yes East Kilbride. Although he has moved out of the town, he retains many local connections and contacts.

When JK Rowling, long known as a supporter of the union, donated £1million to the No campaign and published a statement in support, Drew responded, as a fellow writer.

Members of Yes East Kilbride suggested making Drew's response available through the bog, which we are happy to do.

Dear Joanne

We've never met but we are both writers, indeed both members of the same writers' association.  We both live in Perthshire, you in a castle, me in a flat.  You used to work for Amnesty International; I used to be a member and still campaign on human rights.  I’m sure we have many other things in common despite my book sales, income and public profile being, well, let’s say a tad less than yours.

I guess neither of us voted for the SNP; I’m a member of the Scottish Green Party, while you have publicly declared for and donated to the Labour Party.  I’ve got plenty of friends who are Labour voters and a few who are members; your friendship with former Labour leader and Prime Minister Gordon Brown has been well publicised so I’m going to take a guess now and say the timing of your very public intervention so soon after the initiative taken by your friend Gordon was not a coincidence.  Fair enough.  That’s how these things are done.

My problem is this: Your statement provides a major platform to propagate yet more misinformation from the No camp.

Let's take "…a fringe of nationalists who like to demonise anyone not blindly and unquestionably pro-independence" and "that they might judge me 'insufficiently Scottish' to have a valid view."   I'm sure a tiny minority of sad pseudonymous trolls will do just that.  It's got nothing to do with the hundreds of thousands of serious Yes supporters, campaign politicians and leaders, and therefore, I’d suggest, should be of no relevance to your decision.  However, since you chose to highlight it in your statement it behoves you to at least acknowledge the vitriol coming from the other side.  Colin and Christine Weir made a similarly large donation to the Yes campaign and were met with quite vicious abuse from “Britnat” trolls.  More to the point, the Weirs were subject not only to "Britnat" attacks online, but also vile insults and insinuations from No camp politicians and mainstream publications like the Daily Mail.  That's of a different order from online loudmouths, that’s politicians and mainstream press giving a lead.

Perhaps you can point to one instance – a single one – where a senior Yes figure has said anything on a level with the recent slander by Alistair Darling equating Yes supporters with “blood and soil nationalists”?

Ethnicity is not an issue in this referendum.  The Yes camp includes active supporters from every corner of the British Isles, the Commonwealth and the EU.  Voting is not on the basis of ethnicity; one million-plus Scots who live outwith constituencies in Scotland have no vote in September 18th but around 600,000 non-Scots resident (12% of the electorate) here are being fully encouraged to participate both in the vote and the debate.  So when you say “people try to make this debate about the purity of your lineage, things start getting a little Death Eaterish for my taste,” I have to ask – who’s said that?  Some online trolls?  Certainly not Yes.

The only side I’ve heard talking about issues of ethnicity is the No camp.  Focusing on ethnicity is a deliberate and tactical misdirection by ‘Better Together’ that you appear to have fallen for, a cynical trope used by powerful politicians for millennia including, in recent years, by your good friend Gordon – remember “British jobs for British workers”?

Your passing allusion to the bailout of RBS - the vast majority of which came not from UK taxpayers but from US financiers - is similarly misinformed.  Could an independent Scotland have saved RBS?  Perhaps, perhaps not.  Certainly an independent Scottish government would have had to deal with the issue differently.  Perhaps it would have borrowed from the US, or from the EU as Ireland did.  Perhaps it would have nationalised the bank as the UK did but, unlike the UK, taken control of the business – a far more sensible course of action, I’d say.  Whatever decision we took it would have been our decision.  And if the people didn’t like it, they would vote out the government and elect people prepared to prosecute the guilty – a bit like what happened in Iceland, a nation of just over 300,000 people who manage very well as an independent nation, thank you.

Far more relevant to the current debate is this: Will there be another crash?   In 2008 Westminster - then led by your good friend Gordon and his good friend Alistair – was responsible for regulating the City of London.  Since then no substantial reforms to regulation of the financial sector have been enacted, either from Labour or the current Coalition, nor are there any significant proposals from any of the three largest parties.  Neither have we seen any attempt to pursue the perpetrators of a raft of criminal acts that led to the financial collapse in the UK, not just RBS but HBOS, Barclays, Lloyds and others.  Nothing on Libor either, a prima facie case of conspiracy and fraud.  And on the “mis-selling” of financial products, insurances, mortgages, etc. over a period of almost thirty years?  Not so much as a breach of the peace.

Meanwhile George Osbourne, the current Chancellor (and, I’d wager my next advance against yours, the Chancellor following the 2015 UK General Election) cuts tax credits, child support, disability benefits, and demonises anyone dependent on welfare – you’ll recall that feeling – all while feeding a house price bubble in the South East of England that distorts the economy of the entire island.  Oh, and the fact his best man made a multi-million pound killing on the privatisation of Royal Mail –  good ol’ Westminster democracy at work again!   If you really believe embedded corruption in the City of London has been tackled, can I respectfully suggest it could be worth discussing this with someone other than Gordon.   And not Alistair either.

One final point on finance and democracy: The Remembrancer.  Do you know about ‘The Remembrancer'?  Sounds like a character from one of your books, I know, but this man – it's always a man – is very real, and is in fact the only unelected person permitted to sit in the Chamber of the House of Commons.  He sits behind the Speaker's chair and his role is to remind hon. and right hon. members of the interests of the City of London on any given matter.  He is known to roam around the tearooms and bars, free to lobby MPs on any issue he pleases.  You may think he might offer political donations, cushy sinecures and future directorships to compliant Parliamentarians - I couldn't possibly comment.

The Remembrancer is also the only person in the entire country who has the right to bar the way of the monarch - should said monarch wish to enter London's Square Mile.  So that’s The Remembrancer.  You may well know of him and his works, but 99% of people in the United Kingdom know nothing of his existence,  yet he holds one of the most powerful and important positions in the realm.  He, like old Voldemort, seems to be  one “whose name we do not mention”.  Maybe you could use The Remembrancer in your next book.

So that’s democracy in the UK today, the democracy the No campaign asks us to put our faith in, all part of the same unwritten constitution that holds sovereignty lies with “the Crown in Parliament”.   We in the Yes campaign believe in a different kind of democracy, one with a written constitution that begins and ends with the sovereignty of the People.

As to your quote, "I'll be skint if I want to and Westminster can't tell me otherwise… and I’ll vote yes, just to stick it to David Cameron" – frankly, I thought better of you.  It’s insulting to the whole tone of the campaign.  It sounds like a crude stereotype of a taxi driver – “I ’ad that Gordon Brown in that back of my cab, once!” – I mean, really, where did that come from?  I really would be interested to know the source, because it is very unconvincing dialogue.  More a Straw Man - there's another character, Jo, free of charge - an unrepresentative fiction that can be set up and knocked down again and again to divert attention from real issues.

And yet, I can point to MPs like Labour’s Jimmy Hood saying in the House of Commons that he would choose to stay in the union even if it made Scotland poorer.  That's a real person, Joanne, a Scottish MP.  A spokesman for the No camp.  Not a troll, not a Straw Man, but a real person, a real MP, with real political power.  To use your own words, that's a form of patriotism I'll never understand.

As far as your judgement calls on Scotland's economic prospects, oil revenues, doubts over SNP's fiscal plans and faith in the analysis of neoliberal-leaning think-tank IFS - that's entirely up to you.  I respectfully disagree.  I would only ask you think again – really think, because I know you’re smart – then think again before becoming a cipher for the very worst aspects of No.

Yours respectfully

Drew Campbell

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